During the festive period many people take the opportunity to relax, celebrate and over-indulge a little bit. It’s Christmas! It’s a great excuse to have some fun.
But there’s a tendency to forget about taking care of our health during the period. Winter comes with cold weather, less sunshine, and bugs, colds and flus around every corner. If ever there’s a time to take care of yourself, December’s the one.
So, we at the WellMan Clinic are encouraging men to ‘feel their baubles’ this Christmas. Checking for testicular cancer is a great first step for making sure you’re aware of your body and your health. And like a lot of healthy activities, once you give it a go you might be surprised by how straightforward it is.
How to ‘Feel your Baubles’
The best way to do a self examination is during a warm bath or shower. Gently, roll each testicle between your fingers and thumb checking for any tenderness, hard lumps, bumps or changes in size, feel or consistency.
Remember, if you find something that worries you, talk to a medical professional. Here at the WellMan Clinic we specialize in Men’s Health, so for specialist advice book an appointment.