Premature Ejaculation
What is premature ejaculation?
This is when a man ejaculates too quickly during sex. It is a common problem that many men are too embarrassed to talk about. This can be a big player in performance related anxiety.
A study looking at 500 couples from five different countries found the average time taken to ejaculate during intercourse was around five-and-a-half minutes. However, there is no definition of how long sex should last so it is up to the couple to decide whether they are happy or wish to seek medical help.
Occasional episodes of premature ejaculation are common and aren’t a cause for concern.
There are many ways to naturally help yourself before seeking medical treatment, some of these include:
- Masturbating an hour or two before sex (if you are still young enough)
- Using thick condoms to decrease sensitivity
- Taking a deep breath to momentarily shut down the ejaculatory reflex
- Have sex with your partner on top, so they are in control and can pull away when you are close to ejaculation
- Take breaks during sex and think about something else
- Using a local anaesthetic penile spray
Some medications may also be prescribed to help with the symptoms. These can assist in slightly numbing and delaying ejaculation.
Treating premature ejaculation
Both early ejaculation (a few strokes after penetration) and premature ejaculation (ejaculation before penetration) are amenable to treatment at the WellMan Clinic.